Wednesday 19 January 2011

Fashion top

I made a top in year 12 for one of my project the four slides on this page are all about the planning before making the fashion top. The first page is called design brief and brain storming before i could start making my top i have to some brain storming to see what i wanted to make or who for and who would my inspiration. The second page is called analysis of project and analysis of design this page is about analysing the whole project i am doing analysing things like the price and what will be on my fashion top, analysis of design was analysing things like the how i will break down the making of my top to make sure i get my top to look like the designer i am using for inspiration. The third page is called initial planning grant and analysis of project. Initial planning of grant was about planning how long i thought it would take me to finish all of the work for this project and analysis of project was analysing all of the slides in this project commenting on what i thought was good and how i could improve them. The fourth page is called design specification and product specification to do both of these pages i picked different sub heading and wrote about them to do with the planning of my top and the making of my top.

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